Kennedy Soo Hong
Senior Systems Engineer/Technical Training Specialist
Kennedy started in Graphics Arts, attended the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, after which he returned to New York. His first job was at Metro Creative Graphics, which lead him to Apple systems. They tested the then 512K Apples to use in the production environment. Kennedy was responsible with two others to convert the Art dept and camera dept to the digital age. He also worked at Impressions ABA, as a Designer and IT support.
- Apple Certified Technical Coordinator 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7
- Apple Certified Support Professional 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8
- Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist 10.2, 10.3, 10.4
- Apple Certified Trainer
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