COO & Senior Systems Engineer
As Senior System Engineer & COO at HCS, Keith wears many hats. He is responsible for a myriad of duties at HCS. Keith is always willing to do the job at hand and is never afraid to get his hands dirty. Keith has the drive and ability to take a project full circle. He is obsessive when it comes to documentation and communication. He is a self-starter with the ability to think fast on his feet. Keith has over 25 years in the IT Industry specializing in Apple Technology. He’s been a member of the HCS family since 2008. Keith brings his depth of experience, technical skills, and management capabilities to HCS where he supports companies from SMB to Fortune 500. He is also a seasoned HCS Technical Trainer specializing in Imaging and Deployment.
Professional Experience - Highlighted Projects Include:
- Henry Schein: Successfully developed and deployed the Xsan solution for the Video Production Team at Henry Schein. This solution that was designed from the ground up and included everything from Equipment procurement, Fibre / Cat 6 Installation, Backup, and Deployment of the Xsan workstations and Servers.
- MetLife: Successfully deployed an iPad MDM solution for MetLife. This project included everything from iPad Procurement, Product Registration, Configuration, MDM Solution, Inventory Documentation, Deployment, and Support.
- Manhattan Neighborhood Network Successfully migrated from mac servers to a Windows 2016 server solution integrated with Apple Enterprise connect, Apple Business Manager, and Jamf Pro. This will allow Manhattan Neighborhood Network to fully manage all of their apple devices and move forward with current supportable technologies.
Current Certifications
- Apple Certified Support Professional
- Apple Certified IT Professional
- Apple Xsan2 Administrator
- Jamf Certified Integrator
- Jamf Certified Tech
- Jamf Certified Admin
- Jamf Certified Expert
- Certified Wireless Technology Specialist
- Certified Wireless Specialist
- Certified Wireless Technician
Course Development and Published Works
- Technical Editor: CompTIA Mac OS X Deployment: Lion OS X 302 10.7 course guides.
- Technical Editor: CompTIA Mac OS X Deployment: Mountain Lion OS X 302 10.8 course guides.
- Technical Editor: Managing Apple Devices: Deploying and Maintaining iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks Devices
- Technical Editor: Managing Apple Devices: Deploying and Maintaining iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite Devices
- Technical Editor: Apple Mobile Technical Competency course guide for 2013.
- Author of Imaging, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Class for OS X Mavericks 10.9 and OS X Yosemite 10.10
- Peachpit Learn By Video Series:
- Imaging on OS X
- Lifecycle Management for OS X
Professional Associations
Apple Consultants Network
Apple Professional Services
Jamf Integrator